Monday, June 13, 2005

The Birth of a Bump Skier's Blog

Mogul skiers and the downhill skiing masses don't really speak the same ski language. While bump skiers are all talking about absorbing and extending, hitting airs and skiing straight lines, the expert skiing masses are all talking about carving and arcing. Bump skiers and mainstreamers will sometimes even use the same word to mean two different things. Among bump skiers, the word "separation" means you maintain a quiet upper body while your legs pump up and down, absorbing and extending. Among the skiing masses, however, "separation"relates to counter / twisting movements, not absorption movements.

All of which leaves the bump skier, no matter how skilled a skier she or he may be, outside the mainstream discussion of downhill skiing. That's the reason I've started this mogul skiing blog: to give myself and other bump skiers, as well as aspiring bump skiers, a place to talk our talk and read about our sport.

I'll also use this blog to let you know where and when you can get ahold of my other mogul-skiing writing. For example, this summer, my new how-to mogul-skiing book will be released (NOW AVAILABLE AT / 1-888-280-7715 / AND AT BOOK STORES EVERYWHERE). And I'll let you know when and where to find my published mogul tips and articles, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had the privilege of skiing near Dan - can't wait for the book!

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Go Dan Go! Looking forward to the book and a chance to meet you!

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will your video be available?

6:59 PM  
Blogger Dan DiPiro said...

Right now, I have no plans to make a video.

6:20 AM  

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